Hammed Thirmizzi Aramide

Executive Secretary

Contact Info:

(+234) 816 2702 681


Agribusiness Specialist

About Me:

Education & Training

Aramide is the Executive Secretary of Community Action for Food Security (CAFS). He is a committed and drive Animal Health Technology Graduate/Agribusiness Consultant by profession. He is A Development Knowledge Facilitator (DKF), An Impact Maker and active citizen affiliated with various networks of youth leadership and Development. He is the incumbent Northern Region Director for Clean and beautiful Atmosphere Initiative.

He is an Award-winning SDGs Champion sequel to his insatiable desire towards achieving the Agenda 2030 Global goals of the UN. He is a lead consultant at Aramed Consults and Agro-allied Services Company which is aimed and focuses on treatment of animals, optimizing of livestock production, sales of livestock / agricultural products, farm management and setup, delivery of agro allied services with training of youths / farmers coupled with supply of reputable broodstock.