About Me:
Arigbabu Sulaimon Olawale has and gained experience, competence and acknowledgement doing development and civil rights works in the last 14years. His work addresses issues in human rights, the environment, climate change, good governance and democratization.
He is currently the Executive Secretary and head, Environment and Sustainable Development at HEDA Resource Centre and in the last six years he has been active in getting governments across board in Nigeria to develop appropriate policy framework to address the impacts of climate change and to promote sustainable development particularly in the agriculture and energy sectors.
Given the fact that halting and adapting to anthropogenic climate change is perhaps the greatest challenge facing the planet today, and recognizing the grievous implication for human health, biodiversity, food security, global economy, the basics (like access to water and sanitation) and global peace and stability among others, he has committed himself and his wherewithal to actively and consistently be part of the global and local efforts to seek solutions to this challenge and promote sustainable development.
He is on the executive board of the Voice for Food Security (VFS), a consortium of smallholder farmer groups, professional associations and civil society organizations campaigning for adequate investment and enabling policy environment for agriculture in order to guarantee food for all Nigerians at all times. He works with mostly rural and semi-urban smallholder farmers (who provide the bulk of food consumed in Nigeria) to help increase their resilience to climate change as well as increase their voices in policy making. He inter-phase them with relevant information and support agencies including the Agro meteorology department of the Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET). Climate Change Knowledge and Information: he work with governments, civil society organizations, Religious institutions, schools, Community Development Associations, youth groups and artisans to increase civic awareness and consciousness of climate change.
He has edited a few publications in this regard and currently working with experts to develop a manual on climate change for religious institutions. As the UNFCCC Designated Contact Person for HEDA Resource Centre, he facilitated the participation of young activists, relevant persons and agencies from states and local governments to participate at the UNFCCC process in order to increase their understanding and appreciation of climate change challenges as well as opportunities. At the COP 17 in Durban, he facilitated the participation of the Osun state government in the COPs and arranged strategic meetings for them including with the US States Department, Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the government of Scotland and General Electric among others.